#SportDiplomacyAcademy in Rijeka
The project will ensure the educational mobility of coaches and other staff of sport organizations (incl. volunteers) linked to professional and grassroots sport. The 4 modules of mobility, held in each one of the partners countries with the same group of participants from the project target group will improve their competences as well as their qualifications and acquire new skills through learning mobility and spending a period of time in a foreign country (in and outside of the EU). The learning mobility will be an investment in human capital and a contribution to the capacity building of sport organizations with clear focus on building a network of well-trained sport diplomats.
The third educational project Module that will be held in Rijeka (Croatia) will include the main topics: Summary and feedback of Module 2, local practice reports, Campaign creation, Successful communication (verbal & non-verbal), Public speaking, Protocol and etiquette.
Stay tuned for updates from the Module!