Organizations database
Portuguese Winter Sports Federation - FDI Portugal
Sport federation

We are a non-profit organization with sport utility status, based in Covilhã, whose main objectives are to promote, regulate and direct the practice of snow & ice related sports at the national level, in terms of training, sporting and cultural aspects. It is also up to FDI-Portugal to represent its range of sports, with national and international sports organizations (Alpin Ski, Ski Freestyle, Cross Country Ski, Snowboard, Luge, Bobsleigh, Skeleton, Ice Hockey & Luge).
Since 2016 we have managed the “Pousada da Juventude da Serra da Estrela” a Youth Hostel, where we organize various activities with children and young people.
In addition is member of the National Youth Associativism (RNAJ) and is supported by the Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth through annual and one-off support programs as well as through applications training and development of activities, to complete members of the association to enable them to obtain skills that are useful for their day-to-day and future.
The Portuguese Winter Sports Federation, or FDI-Portugal, is the Portuguese snow & ice sports authority.
During the year, The Portuguese Winter Sports Federation give toolkits for associates, develops events marked by clarification of themes related to soft-skills, develop social activities for the development of interpersonal and personal competences of each one of the participants in them. This personal and interpersonal development is possible with all the activities that we do and also with the support of our local, national and international partners.
We are a nonprofit organization endowed with sporting public utility status, based in Covilhã, whose main objectives are to promote, regulate and direct the national practice sports related with snow, in the formative aspects, sporting and cultural. It is also the FDI-Portugal represent the whole of sports, with national and international sports organizations.
In addition to the organizational experience of the organization, the members of the association’s governing bodies have already participated in other national and international experiences under the Erasmus +.
It is also worth noting the experience that our daily partners have and will be a organization and development of the project.