Organizations database
Smart Sport Center
Sport organization

The SMART Sports Center is a non-profit, non-governmental organization in Tirana. Our goal in "SMART" center is to provide sports and fitness activities for citizens and community as an alternative to educate and enable an active, quality and healthy life.
SMART Sports Center has started its activity in 2014. The main founders are people with long professional experience in the field of sports and education, and they provide that contribution for the best of the Smart service.
The SMART Sports Center offers a variety of sport activities for different age groups, with the aim of developing and training their coordinative, orientation skills, overall fitness and health, as well as their education with an active and social life.
The SMART’s philosophy believes that every member or practitioner finds the right environment for entertainment and pleasure, as well as the professionalism and dedication of experienced instructors in the field of physical education, fitness and sports.
In addition to the sports activities offered, "SMART" is also engaged in social activities where sport is used as a means of awareness, education or change, activities that it organizes alone or in cooperation with partner organizations.
SMART has a successful experience organizing Summer and Winter Camps for Children. Also Smart Team if successful in the community and team building events which provides social activities such as Family-picnic with the involvement of parents and children.
We at SMART give a special importance to building and developing human capacities and thereby guaranteeing the implementation of SMART's philosophy in delivering services with specific standards.
Also, we are engaged in organizing sports and recreational activities in large or small groups, regardless of age groups.
Our slogan is "ACTIVE life - SMART thinking